His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama has told Spoofflé’s Tibet correspondent that he is not entirely happy with his new bespoke burgundy iPhone XS.
The spiritual leader of Tibet, renowned for his warm smile and good humour, had hoped that the new phone would be a lot faster than his old iPhone 5s.
‘It beautiful object, full of peace,’ he said. ‘But I have loaded with all teachings and holiday videos, so no room for good games, like Lego ‘Build a Buddha’ and ‘Hunt the Yeti’ which my favourite. Now I wish I order 256Gb memory.’
His Holiness however, is typically full of generous praise for Apple’s latest offering. ‘I have worried what engineers do with central processor,’ he laughed. ‘So I very happy they use A12 Bionic chip Next-generation Neural Engine.’